As said in the post before, it was a double bill, so we returned to the church in the evening for the second film. This time it was dark, which helped as churchs can be too full of light with their big abundant glass windows. Obviously too much light is not ideal for film screenings! Although the acoustic was perfect for the great performance of Aaron Hawthorne in the “Bloomsbury Beast” organ, especially in the climax scene with a surround effect from the organ with thousands of pipes. Beautiful sound effects too. I’ve seen the film “Nosferatu” before, but the setting and accompaniment weren’t this good. Now I was impressed with the film. Also we have to remember this was the first cinematic version of Dracula, before many of the comtemporary horror film cliches were used. A brilliant German Expressionist film. Lovely day with 2 great films, very inspirational for animation with the classic strong physical performance of silent films. Also met lovely people with love for films and animation.